Owner: Paul Farmer
Phone: 706-621-0187
Address: 564 James Holcomb Rd, Hull, GA, 30646
HOURS: Mon to Sat: 7am to 6pm
P.R. Farmer Grading & Construction LLC, is the number one choice in excavating and construction. We are a third generation, family owned, owner operated business located in Hull, GA. With over 30 years of experience, we take pride in specializing the perfect grade and ensuring that the customer is satisfied to the highest standard. Your toughest excavating needs can be met by P.R. Farmer Grading & Construction. Give us a call today to request a quote and speak directly to the owner.
50 miles, cash cc checks, 30 years of exp, Excavation, Grading, Tree Removals, Pond Building, Residential Grading, Commercial Grading, Global Optimization Solutions