Licon Realty

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Owner: Spencer Licon

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Phone#: 949-573-7870

Address: 27290 Madison Ave Suite 200, Temecula, CA 92590

Meet Spencer, a distinguished realtor with a remarkable background that sets him apart from the rest. With an honorable discharge from the Marine Corps and a combined experience of 10 years in property management and real estate, including commercial multifamily operations, he brings a unique set of skills and values to the world of realty. If you’re seeking a realtor who brings a wealth of experience, market knowledge, and unwavering commitment to your real estate journey, look no further than Spencer. Contact him today and let him guide you toward a successful and fulfilling real estate experience in Orange County and the Inland Empire.

Having served in the military, Spencer embodies discipline, integrity, and an unwavering commitment to serving others. These traits are reflected in his approach to real estate, where he consistently puts his clients’ needs first and ensures their goals are achieved with utmost professionalism and dedication.”

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October 9, 2024

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